Jamey Christoph
Jamey's illustrations have appeared in The New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and in several award winning children’s books. An old soul at heart, his work draws inspiration from vintage advertising and travel posters and a lifelong curiosity of the past, particularly in the character of old buildings, cars, fashion, and music. He has received multiple recognitions from the Society of Illustrators, Communication Arts, and 3×3 Magazine. He works out of his 1920's home in Cleveland Heights, OH with his crazy dogs, Owen and Jack.
E. L. : Typical work day?
J. C. : I wanted to say first, how cool it is to be featured on Eye-LIkey, thank you for this opportunity!
My typical work day begins after I've walked the dogs and watched a little Morning Joe or Chuck Todd. If I'm painting I work in my studio, but I mostly work at my laptop either at the kitchen table or out at coffee shop, I love having that flexibility. You're really at the mercy of an assignment's schedule, but I try to keep as conventional a workday as possible. I enjoy the time at the end of the day with Brad and the boys.
J. C. : I wanted to say first, how cool it is to be featured on Eye-LIkey, thank you for this opportunity!
My typical work day begins after I've walked the dogs and watched a little Morning Joe or Chuck Todd. If I'm painting I work in my studio, but I mostly work at my laptop either at the kitchen table or out at coffee shop, I love having that flexibility. You're really at the mercy of an assignment's schedule, but I try to keep as conventional a workday as possible. I enjoy the time at the end of the day with Brad and the boys.
E. L. : How do you stay inspired?
J. C. : Old book stores. I spend hours scouring old Art books, children's books, and magazines. Also, I'm always taking pics with my phone. You never know when or where that next idea will come from and I'm finding it's harder and harder to remember them when they do. Take a pic just in case!
E. L. : Favorite project you ever did?
J. C. : The San Francisco spreads for Out There Magazine. The magazine's Creative Director, Martin Perry, gave me the freedom to do whatever I wanted for the article. I dug up old photos I had taken from a past trip and worked them into the concept. I think relying on those memories and details, gave the spreads some real authenticity. They were intended to compliment an interview, what we created had a narrative all its own.
E.L : Favorite place you ever traveled to
J. C.: Paris, it's the most beautiful city in the world. When I visited as a sophomore in college, I was in awe of the grand buildings and statues. Walking past them, I made a promise to myself to become a classicist. I was such a weird kid. I did not keep my promise all that well, but I still love Neoclassicism's symmetry and style, it pops up here and there in my stuff.
E. L. : Where would you like to visit that you haven’t yet?
J. C. : I'd just love to take a road trip up the west coast someday, stopping in seaside towns and spending some time exploring Portland and Seattle.
E. L. : Top 3 Favorite website + blog/s ?
J. C. : Grain Edit - Always inspiring, sometimes a little demoralizing, how are these designers and illustrators so damn good!?
Google image search - I can explore on here for hours
East Village Boys - Irreverent and provocative, homophobes need not click over.
East Village Boys - Irreverent and provocative, homophobes need not click over.
J. C. : Antonio Frasconi, of course Ben Shahn, Ludwig Kirchner, Jacob Lawrence, Camille Corot, Charlie Harper, David Klein, Ezra jack Keats, M. Sesek, Alice and Martin Provensen, Edel Rodriguez, Tadahiro Uesugi, Paul Rogers, Mick Wiggins, and the soul lifting sculpture of Niki de Saint Phalle reminds me of Mom.
E. L. : Favorite museum ?
J. C. : The Metropolitan Museum of art, specifically the Antiquities Dept. Stunning sunlit galleries showcase just how brilliant and expressive the ancients could be. Super stylized Etruscan bronze horses, lush painterly frescoes, miniature Roman figurines scarred with the most beautiful graffiti-like lettering, it's all mind blowing to me. What of what we work on today will still be around in three thousand years?
E. L. : What are you currently working on now?
J. C. : I just wrapped up work on a series of dicut wooden toys in the shapes of popular world landmarks. It is truly enriching work and just the sort of thing I would have liked as a kid. I was lucky to get this one.
E. L. : Favorite Movie or book?
J. C. : Billy Elliot, the scene where the coal miner dad crosses the picket line to be able to send his son to the Royal Ballet School, what a scene! It makes me think of my own parents.
E. L. : favorite cartoon character?
J. C. : I loved Looney Tunes and the old MGM cartoons, but its the Charlie Brown Christmas special that blows me away, even today. It's great on so many levels, design, production, Vince Guaraldi's amazingly atmospheric music! The story, so humble and innocent, takes you back home every time. Charles Schultz was a class act.
E. L. : Dream assignment + project for the future?
J. C. : A dream assignment would be to concept environments on a feature film. I don't know how you break into that but if anyone has any advice, I'd like to hear it! A project for the future? I would love to paint murals someday, that uplift and tell a community or neighborhood's story.
J. C. : A dream assignment would be to concept environments on a feature film. I don't know how you break into that but if anyone has any advice, I'd like to hear it! A project for the future? I would love to paint murals someday, that uplift and tell a community or neighborhood's story.
E. L. : If you weren’t an artist, what would you like to be?
J. C. : I've thought about this one before, a baker. There's something romantic about getting up at the crack of dawn and baking bread while the rest of the world is asleep. Or am I just crazy?
J. C. : I see a lot of movies (all genres) and I go all out with popcorn and soda too! Seeing a show, clears your head and is always sure to give you new ideas.

J. C. : I see a lot of movies (all genres) and I go all out with popcorn and soda too! Seeing a show, clears your head and is always sure to give you new ideas.

J. C. : I enjoy a good eclectic mix of everything, from Brahms to Gillespie to U2. I like blasting some newer stuff, like MGMT, but I also have an old school spiritual side, that is moved by Daniel Martin Moore.
J. C. : I enjoy a good eclectic mix of everything, from Brahms to Gillespie to U2. I like blasting some newer stuff, like MGMT, but I also have an old school spiritual side, that is moved by Daniel Martin Moore.
E. L. : Best advice to an artist either still in school or just out, looking to get started in the field?
J. C. : It's an exciting time for illustration and design. I mean take a look around, there are so many forms of media everywhere you look! So many talented people, so many opportunities to grab. Though technology has changed everything, I still believe that getting noticed and landing the job comes down to good drawing.
some sweet POSTERS!
Thanks for the wonderful interview Jamey, keep up the AMAZING work!