check out these mixed media collages from 

 The Beach Garage


THE BEACH GARAGE is an ART collaborative between Cheryl and Robbie Roth, both graduates of Rhode Island School of Design. Together they combine their Fine Art backgrounds creating works that reflect their love for modern design and abstract expressionism.

Their unique pieces consist of mixed media collage, printmaking and thread. 

In the converted barn studio, getting ready to start a piece

Their Collage Process is a total 50/50 collaboration.

RR-  “I start with my cut shapes. I use various flat papers from everywhere, painted, monoprinted, fabric, etc. I have cut thousands of shapes. They are all over the studio waiting for a home.”   “I only use scissors when I collage, no exacto for me.  The blade is too slow and scissors give more freedom.  I don't start with a sketch or drawing first. These designs become very spontaneous and intuitive for me with no preconceptions. I think of them as working maquette sculptures + how they balance and sit. I've been experimenting with dozens of 3-dimensional paper sculptures as well.” “Sometimes the collages are quickly resolved, other times it takes much longer (Sometimes I have to walk away, throw something across the studio, and break for coffee.)  Once I like the arrangement, I hand it to Cheryl. She then creates her layering of threaded line work. Her line drawing brings everything together for me. The pieces become more than just a collage. They have that extra element of threaded line interwoven within the paper.”

 CR- “I love seeing what Rob has created.  I look at the complexities of cut shapes and get inspired. First, I simply view the collage and let my eyes travel through the piece. I imagine a continuous line passing through shapes and creating new forms.  When I feel I have a starting point, I put down my extra large coffee and begin.  I use a Husqvarna viking sewing machine from Sweden.  As the needle pierces the paper, I am off in my own world of spontaneous line work, spinning and rolling the paper at various rates of speed.” “To me, I am truly drawing as if in my sketchbook. It just happens to be stitched line. As the line progresses, it takes me on alternative paths, which I find exciting, and eventually I have a sense of completion (of course it is never done, but you have to stop at some point!)  I then show Rob, who is completely baffled by the process, and we share a sense of excitement over our collaboration. We are never quite sure how the finished product will turn out, but we love our journey where there is always a surprise!”

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In the studio

A snowy day in the barn( heading upstairs were it's warmer!)